Thursday, April 17, 2008

Predictions About America’s Path

William Christensen 4/17/08 (13)
When Woodrow Wilson was president, he spread the idea that America was a democracy. Why would he want America to think it was a democracy? That is something to think about. Today, China is a communist country. It is not a very good place to live. The government owns every thing. In his book AThe Law@ Frederic Bastie says, AIf you control a man=s substance, you control his will.@ Before China could become a communist country, it had to go through two government changes. The first change was to democracy.

Democracy: The masses rule, the stronger come out on top. If one person had five hundred dollars, and the whole state voted to redistribute equally among everyone, would it be right? No. Now lets define anarchy.
Anarchy: every man for himself, strongest rule. If one person had five hundred dollars, and the whole state just came and took it, would it be right?

Both the governments sound similar, but with democracy the government can sway the masses. Then, the next change of government for China was to socialism.

Socialism: the government, generally through taxes, takes and redistributes. They also make laws about where and how you can do certain things, like with your businesses.

Socialism is basically the mid point of democracy collapsing into Communism. So through the idea of democracy the government draws the minds of the people towards the edge with ideas like AEquality@ ANo child left behind@ ANo more poverty@ “Health Care” “Tax Refunds” these are really mostly oxymorons. Enforced charity?! Say there was a group of 100 people, and one of them earned 500 dollars. Well the government sees this and says, AThis isn=t fair@ and they take the money and give everyone 5 dollars. That is the socialist idea of equality. Don=t let any one get ahead, so everyone is at the same level as the person in the rear. Finally, as people think they are about to reach total equality, they fall of the edge, the government controls every thing, and life is miserable. Now can you see what is going on in America to day? We are changing to a democracy. We may even be there, as many socialistic ideas are being put into place. Democracies always collapse into socialism. Socialism always changes to Communism.

I am not tying to be Mr. Doom and Gloom. I am simply pointing out what is happening today, and warn for the future. We have not strayed too far yet. We can still get back on track if we elect the right people.