Thursday, April 10, 2008

Illegal Immigration

William Christensen 4/10/08 (13)
Today the country is faced with a problem. The problem is known as many things, such as illegal immigrants, immigrants, migrant workers, illegal aliens, ect. The problem lies in the fact that we cannot decide together what to do about them. Are they good? Are they bad? If they are good, what should we do? If they are bad what should we do? Should we put up a wall? Or tear down the fence?

Why people may think it is good.
Helps the immigrants live better lives
It is assumed the main reason immigrants who come over to America is to better their lives. By coming over here they can get better jobs, live in better houses, and get rewarded for their hard work. They are mostly hard-working honest people. In America, they can decide who runs the government, where they work (and consequently, how much they get paid), where they live, what car they own, and many many more things. They have so much more freedom here. A better chance for their families. They are trying to live the American Dream. The dream of prosperity. The ability to pursue happiness in whatever way they want.

Why people may think it is bad
Illegal immigration is Illegal
It is called illegal immigration. Please note the word illegal. Crossing the border with out permission from the U.S. Government is against the law. That means that Illegal immigrants broke the law. They are law-breakers.

Other immigrants cannot come in legally
What about all those other people that are trying to come into America? Don’t they have a right to live the American Dream? They have just as much a right to come to America as anyone else. But the Illegal immigrants make it harder for anyone else to come in. The government can only let a certain amount of people in each year (see Open Borders). Would we rather let law-breakers or others who aren’t law-breakers in?

Many immigrants who come here illegally are fleeing law in another country
Some illegal immigrants come here because they are in trouble in their own country. Do we really want these people in out country? Studies have shown that as the amount of illegals in a city has gone up, the crime rate has also gone up.

My opinion
I agree with everything said above. However, the law should be enforced to protect the U.S. citizens. I think a twelve-foot high wall with barbed wire on top should be built on the border. This should have a patrol of soldiers on top. But there will be a gate in the middle of the wall. A big gate that will let every person who can legally enter, in.