Sunday, April 27, 2008

Open Borders

William Christensen 4/28/08 (13)
Now I will discuss the reason that the Government can only let a certain amount of people in to the country each year, and what causes all the bad things about illegal immigration. I will look a the answers to, "Why can't we have open borders?" "Why can't we let everyone in?" The reason, the answer, is HealthCare, MediCare, public education, social security, etc. Any government agency giving people "benefits" or any thing free. Now the real question, the hard one to answer: "Why?"

Human Nature
Human nature is to be lazy. Everyone would rather have fun than work. Most people realize that in order to have fun, or even live, they have to work. The more they work, the more they get, the more they can do what they want. This translates into a simple sentence: Human nature is to work as little as possible for as much gain as possible.

The modern definition of welfare: a: aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need b: an agency or program through which such aid is distributed (according to the 2007 Merriam Webster dictionary). In other words, the government giving free stuff to people who don't have as much. Where do they get the money? The money is taken from the people with more money, and given to people who don't have as much. This is the very definition of socialism.

America used to have open borders
For a person to live in America, there were a few requirements. The main requirement was that the applicant was able to show that they had enough money to provide for themselves for a little while. If they did not have enough money, they could get someone to sponsor them. For example, Peter wants to come over to America. He does not have enough money to provide for himself. So his brother, who already lives in America, will sponsor him. His brother says that he will be responsible for Peter, until Peter has enough to make his way in the world. There was no limit to how many people could come in.

The reason we can't have open borders
America can't have open borders because of human nature and welfare. If we had open borders, just about anyone would come over, and just lie around while the government gave them money for being poor. This is money they took from people for being rich. No one has any incentive to work. If we did not have welfare, we would be able to have open borders. Anyone who comes knows that as soon as their money is gone, or their sponsorship is over, they have to be doing something to live. So they get a job, allowing them to be able to sponsor others. In their job, if they work hard, they get more.

Which sounds better?
Socialism: We have to have closed borders, and we reward the lazy while punishing the rich.
Capitalism: We can have open borders, and the harder someone works, the better their ideas, the more they get.
When the government starts taking care of people, we get socialism. When people take care of themselves, we get capitalism. Start taking responsibility today. America depends on it.

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