Monday, September 1, 2008

Principal or Politics?

William Christensen (14) 9/1/08

With this upcoming election, people are making up their minds on who to support. For most people, the race is between Barack Obama and John McCain. Most people are not satisfied with these choices. What about third party candidates? There are two basic arguments against third party candidates.

Obama might win

The first argument against good principled conservative voters voting for a third party candidate is that Obama might win. They say that if you vote for a third party candidate you are voting for Obama. A vote for John McCain is a vote against Obama.

They can’t win

The second argument is that the third party candidate can’t win. The reason for a candidate not winning is that he doesn’t get enough votes. But why don’t people vote for the third party candidates? Because of two reasons. The person doesn’t agree with the principles that the candidate advocates, or, the politics of voting for the republican, because you don’t want the democrat to win. Politics or principals.

How should you vote?

Most principled people I speak with are voting because of politics. I disagree. This country is founded on principles. We should vote for the person we believe would be the best president. I have more respect for the left-wing liberal that votes because of his principles, than a right-wing conservative who votes because of politics. Vote because of your principles, not politics.

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